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“Brand New Bag” has multiple meanings for me.

  1. New bags and totes made from vintage fabrics.
  2. New interests and direction of “work” in retirement that is totally different than my career as an educator and administrator.
  3. I can change my mind and direction at anytime with a “Brand New Bag”.

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The name came from my husband’s suggestion. Very much tied to “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag” – the song made popular by James Brown. The song has a catchy tune and rhythm. My current creations are brand new bags from old things- so it just seem to fit.

I am finding new passions in my next stage of life. A collector gene, an upcycle gene, a creator gene!

From vintage fabrics that have been well loved and forgotten that I find and collect – I create new things to be loved. I also use new fabrics to create things for functional tasks. And now and again I find the need to pass on something we have loved and need to move on to someone else.

I explore shops and buy well loved textiles for, design, launder, cut out, iron, sew, and design my signature bags.  You never know what something will become!

I am not in business to have inventory – or make a profit. It is a hobby for enjoyment – not a business venture to support me. The twist is my prior experiences also let me enjoy setting up systems, processes, and flow to make things connect, integrate and run efficiently. So part of this hobby is having a real life application to create all the tangents. The added plus – I am the boss, I am the creator, I am where the buck stops – and I get to succeed or fail all on my own without having to worry about anyone else and their needs, interests or visions. I get to “play store” and make up all the rules. Setting up the “web” or integration of things is also something from my creating and community experience with ds106  and my Digital Mustard creations. I still see how one very flexible and sharing lens can be applied to so many different phases, stages and daily life actions. Creating and sharing  – wow!

I am not sure this approach will create any following. It won’t probably create any real scale. It may create a nice community of support or a small niche of a very small market that makes others happy in finding.

I love creating and making and need to move things out to be used and loved and not stored by me. This is a passion and an enjoyment. Inventory ebbs and flows depending on my time and supplies.

I also am one who shares. Processes, reflections, ideas, dreams. The blog portion will carry some of this sharing.

If you like it – buy it! It may never come around again. Or just leave a comment if it is something you do admire but really don’t need right now – that works too! It would be so nice to know someone loved or smiled when seeing, using or giving something I have created.

Thank you!

5 thoughts on “About”

  1. I love my new bag that I just bought from you! My favorite colors and simple yet just what I need. You have inspired me to try making a bag or two, once I get the quilting addiction out of my system 😆.

  2. I love your bags! Amazing work for only a couple of years.
    Enjoyed your pop-up sale yesterday, didn’t know you had a website. Thank you
    Love seeing your creations, look forward to being on the new posts.

  3. The quality of these bags is outstanding. So many options, colors and functions. Well made and quality materials used. One of a kind whimsical and fun! You’ll love them and want more! Great for gifts too.

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