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Holiday Season!

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Check out the shop for holiday gifts! Custom orders upon request.  

Creative Endeavors for future creations

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Well for those of you who do follow – not too many bags coming out of the studio lately. There will still be bags – they are a passion and love to create for me. But I have a good inventory and while I love them they need to be with those who will also love them and use them! So until numbers go down or some special requests come in before adding more inventory more often, I will be exploring new techniques and processes.Read More »Creative Endeavors for future creations

Blocks, quilt techniques, pricing things….


I made this 12 inch block out of a vintage hanky and some vintage polka dot fabric.

I am getting more comfortable with doing quilting techniques to incorporate in bags. I added some machine quilting to this block. Quilters call it QAYG – Quilt as you go. It is a method of using a regular sewing machine, but getting quilting effects without having to put yards and yards of fabric under the machine at once.Read More »Blocks, quilt techniques, pricing things….

Ups and Downs – Vintage and new

A busy week, but found some sewing time.

I worked on some vintage fabrics. Working with the found fabrics takes more time, more design, more math, more creating. I had some gifted children’s aprons with embroidery and thought they would make good children’s book bags. No patterns to be found. I spent a good chunk of time and thinking – but things did not work out to a finished project. I have my first UFO’s and will come back to them on another day and try to get them to completion into something.Read More »Ups and Downs – Vintage and new