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Custom Bag Completed

I love creating new bags and designs. BUT – the most enjoyment comes from making something with the recipient in mind. A custom bag for an individual is far more satisfying to create to me.

The latest was for a very special woman. Susan – owner and visionary of Vintage for Ada. If you have not been to her shop – it is a destination trip and well worth it. (Open the 1st and 3rd Fri-Sat- Sun March thru December. )

( Open the 1st and 3rd Fri-Sat- Sun March thru December. ) Susan finds many of the cloths I use and it was time for me to return one back to her in a new life use. I hope she enjoys this gift and that it serves her well. I enjoyed every stitch thinking of her and the joy she brings with her talents and finds to others. A great asset to the region and a model business woman.

Thank you Susan for sharing your dream with everyone.

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