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New in 2020!

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As I continue to learn and explore I am moving into new designs in bags. Remember -I said Brand New Bag was also my own “new bag” and you might not know what will be here today or tomorrow.

I have a great appreciation for designers and pattern creators. They put a huge amount of work into development. While this is many times a one creator activity, just as other things in life – more heads and hands make good things great. So – I have taken on trying some designer patterns but as we know “a pattern is only a suggestion” and my interpretations and creations will still be uniquely my own.

Some will be in material choices, tweaks or “hacks” to the original patterns or simply applying multiple features from a few different patterns.

You will now see in a listing, attribution to a designer pattern if I have begun with their work as my base. As I learn more from each of these artists- I will be adding my own design features or interpretations. So you will see vintage with modern, classic and whimsy – who knows???

This new path is bringing in the use of hardware and new types materials as well as getting back to how to recycle, reuse, and re-love things that have been put away or forgotten.

For those of you who look to purchase a creation it means there will be “intro” deals when a new pattern is tried for the first time or a test run is made that might not quite make the highest level of KO scruinty – but still a good outcome and useable. So bargain hunters look for the intro or test categories and labels.

Here is a sample of some of the new styles available.

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